This article details a new content standard that is being rolled out for our Knowledge Base articles: the Naming Convention.
More Information:
The following naming convention is being implemented to help users identify articles that pertain to their particular inquiry. Article names will consist of four (4) parts:
- The Section the article resides in (Report Design, Installations, Publisher, etc.)
- The Product the article applies to (BI360, Solver Cloud, Private Host, etc.)
- The Type of article it is (troubleshooting, how-to, general information, etc.)
- The Topic of the article
Example: an article in the Report Designer section that troubleshoots an issue where running a report causes your computer to freeze until the report loads would be named thusly:
RD BI360 Issue: User cannot use computer until report loads
Below is a table of our Section abbreviations (this is an evolving list as we refine our knowledge base)
Section |
Abbreviation |
Accounts Payable / Purchasing | AP or PO |
Accounts Receivable / Sales Order | AR or SALES |
Acumatica | ACM |
Ad Hoc Reporting |
Binary Stream Recurring Billing | BI |
Connectors & Integrations | CONN or INT |
Data Warehouse | DW |
Data Warehouse Manager | DWM |
Dynamics GP, SL, AX, CRM, etc. | DYN GP, SL, AX, CRM, etc. |
Financial Management | FIN MGT |
Financials | FIN |
Frequently Asked Questions | FAQ |
General Ledger | GL |
Helpful Information | HELP |
Human Resources / Payroll | HR or PAY |
Installation & System Reqs | INSTALL or REQ |
Installation and Administration | INSTALL or ADMIN |
Inventory | INV |
Manufacturing | MFG |
Multi-Company Load | MCL |
Olympic | OLY |
Planning | PLAN |
Portal Settings & Administration | SET or ADMIN |
Project Accounting | PA |
Publisher | PUB |
Purchase Order | PO |
Report Composer | RC |
Report Designer | RD |
Sage 300, 500, Business One | SAGE 300, 500, B1 |
Sales Order | SALES |
SAP Business One | SAP B1 |
Web Budgeting | WB |
Web Portal | WP |
Wensoft | WEN |
Below is a table of our Product abbreviations:
Product: |
Abbreviation: |
BI360* |
BI360 |
Private Host* | PH |
Solver Cloud | Cloud |
Private Host and Cloud | PH/Cloud |
General/Any version | ALL |
ERP Specific | ERP |
*version numbers will be detailed in the article and do not need to be part of the title. |
Below is a table of the different article Types:
Type: |
Name: |
Troubleshooting w/ Error | Error: |
Troubleshooting Issue | Issue: |
General Information | Info: |
How-to’s | How-To: |
White Paper | White Paper: |
Video | Video: |
Knowledge Base Specific | KB |