This article explains the basics of creating a sheet per value report. If you have access to the Solver Academy, you can click here for more detailed step-by-step instructions.
In order to create a report that will expand into multiple worksheets tab, the user needs to create the report in two spreadsheets. One with the sheet per value and one without.
The following steps will help produce multi-tab report.
Note: The user will need to be familiar with designing reports and creating parameters before performing these steps.
- Create a report with the parameter for a dimension you will need to be expanded into multiple worksheets.
- Copy this report by right clicking on the worksheet tab, go to Onestop Reporting and click on Copy (it is important to follow this step as opposed to a normal copy/paste).
- Right click on the same worksheet tab, go to Onestop Reporting and click on Paste as New. This will create another worksheet that is a duplicate of the original report.
- On the duplicate report, go to the Layout Editor and create a new parameter for the same dimension that will be expanding to multiple worksheet tabs. When creating this new parameter, ensure the "Create sheet per value" is selected. Sheet name field that will be displayed when the report expands into multiple worksheet tabs can be selected by clicking on the look up glass at the bottom of parameter wizard.
- Ensure the second worksheet has the new parameter chosen for that specific dimension.
Applies to
BI360/Solver Reporting 4.x, 5.x, Cloud