The article details an issue with Data Warehouse crashing when exporting or importing data and how to resolve it.
Article sections:
When working with BI360 Data Warehouse Manager, user is experiencing the application crashing/freezing with the repeated error messages "BI360 Data Warehouse manager has stopped working" when attempting to upload and/or export data.
There are a couple causes for this:
- Application caching introduced as part of the Data Explorer tab viewing can cause the Data Warehouse manager to use up a lot of resources on the computer. Verify how many transactions per page within Data Explorer they have inputted as well as the application timeout. The default for both (respectively), are 10000 transactions and 30 seconds.
- Duplicate column names
- Computer screen readers ("narrator apps") can cause Data Warehouse Manager to crash.
Adjust Transactions in Data Explorer View
Users can test adjusting both application timeout and transactions per page settings - best practice maybe to lower the transactions per Page and increasing the application timeout.
- The below steps are only available on DW 4.6+
Duplicate Column Names
Data exports will error or fail if you have duplicate column names. This can be caused by creating a dimension with the same as a module attribute. Verify that you do not have duplicate headers in Data Explorer. If you do, change one column header. This will not break any reports or integration processes.
Narrator Settings
Screen reading ("Narrator") can be done by Windows and/or by other apps installed. It is difficult to know all the apps that might be using this feature. If your operating system is the only application that is using Narrator, then it can be turned off by following these instructions provided by Microsoft.
Additionally, the app 'Narrator' can be disabled as this program we have found can cause DW to crash/lag. If you cannot disable Narrator apps, you will need to upgrade to the latest Data Warehouse Manager to get the application fix.
Data Warehouse 4x