This article details syntax related to making expressions in Solver Cloud and Private host. This article will help you better understand the syntax required to transform your data when coming into Solver.
Note: Complex aggregation is not supported in the Expression Builder. Major data alteration should be handled in the source system.
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Syntax Tutorial
Solver integrations support limited Excel “IF statements” in the Expression Builder. A complex IF statement such as nested IF, IF(OR), IF(AND) may not work unless it contains proper syntax. Below are some examples of accepted formulas along with the translation from Excel to Javascript.
- Expressions within Expression Builder need to be in Javascript Functions syntax.
- The Expression Builder is case-sensitive.
- i.e. if source field is [Payment], using [PAYMENT] will not return data.
IF Statement
? = THEN
: = ELSE
- Excel: IF([Account]='40010' , 'Revenue' , 'Other')
- Cloud: ([Account]='40010') ? 'Revenue' : 'Other'
Nested IF Statement
? = THEN
: = ELSE
- Excel: IF([Account]='40010' , 'Revenue' , IF([Account]='60010' , 'Expense' , 'Other')))
- Cloud: ([Account]='40010') ? 'Revenue' : ([Account]='60010') ? 'Expense' : 'Other'
IF Statement Combining with (OR…)
|| = OR
? = THEN (Take note of parentheses in the Cloud formula)
: = ELSE
Example #1
- Excel: IF(OR(LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='2' , LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='3' , LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='4') , -1*[Amount] , [Amount])
- Cloud: (LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='2' || LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='3' || LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='4') ? -1*[Amount] : [Amount]
Example #2
To replace cells in condition A or B with a different value, otherwise keep the original value
- Excel: IF((OR([Entity]='SAS' , [Entity]='sus')) , 'CORP' , [Entity])
- Cloud: IF(([Entity]='SAS' || [Entity]='sus') , 'CORP' , [Entity])
IF Statement Combining with (AND…)
&& = AND (Take note of parentheses in the Cloud formula)
? = THEN
: = ELSE
- Excel: IF(AND(LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='2' , right([Account Number] , 1)='3' , -1*[Amount] , [Amount])
- Cloud: (LEFT([Account Number] , 1)='2' && Right([Account Number] , 1)='3' ? -1*[Amount] : [Amount]
Note: If copying and pasting formulas directly from this KB does not work, the KB might have converted the single quotes to apostrophes. Replace the apostrophe with single quote should resolve this issue.
Expression Samples
Description | Source Field Example | Source Data Format | Expression |
Convert date to YYYYMMDD | PostingDate |
Covert date to YYYYMMDD + add X months | PostingDate |
Add date to a YYYYMM field | Period |
Add hours to a dateTime field | CreatedOn |
new Date(Date.parse([CreatedOn]) + (N*60*60*1000))
Add leading 0s | Employee |
Trim | RoomTypeDescription |
Source data is converted to Scientific Notations | any numeric source value |
Private Host