This article troubleshoots an error that occurs when a user without Create Table permissions attempts to run the Multi Company Load tool.
When a user runs the MCL application, they receive the following error message:
CREATE TABLE permission denied in database 'database name'.
System.Data.SqlClien.SqlException (0x80131904): CREATE TABLE permission denied in database 'database name'.
The user that is assigned to the database connection property as defined in the Admin tool (windows or SQL authentication) does not have Create Table permissions to the database in the error message.
This is required since the application creates tables in the master company database. If you are unsure which company database is the master company, this is the one chosen during the initial configuration of multi-company.
The user using the application will need:
- Read/write permissions to the company databases (db datareader & db datawriter, see image)
- Create Table permissions on the master database
Once the user permissions are configured as described, it should resolve the error.
Multi-Company 4x