Q: How often are data backups taken?
A: Azure SQL Database supports point-in-time restore (PITR) by automatically creating full backup, differential backups, and transaction log backups. Full database backups are created weekly, differential database backups are generally created every 12 hours, and transaction log backups are generally created every 5 - 10 minutes. Backups are stored in a 7-day rolling window.
Q: Where are backups stored?
A: Azure SQL database uses read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) which copies your data synchronously three times within a single physical location in the primary region using LRS. It then copies your data asynchronously to a single physical location in a secondary region that is hundreds of miles away from the primary region. GRS offers durability for Azure Storage data objects of at least 99.99999999999999% (16 9's) over a given year. The data will remain within the same zone to ensure international border compliance.
Q: Are backups encrypted?
A: Yes, all backups are encrypted at rest.
Q: Is the database encrypted at rest and in transmission?
A: Yes, SQL Database utilizes Transparent data encryption to ensure all data remains encrypted at rest.
Q: How long will it take to receive requested backup(s)?
A: We require at least 2 days' notice.
Q: As a partner, can we request customers' backup(s)?
A: Databases must be requested by the customer directly. DBs can only be sent to the customer - from there, the customer can forward to their respective Partner.
These requests need to come from the customer. If not attached/forwarded please ask for the customer to be cc’d or submit a new ticket with their written approval and who to send the backup to from the customer side.
N️ote: In order for us to follow the requirements of our auditors, we have to request written customer consent for any actions within production, especially when it involves copying their database to send externally. Even if there was no data yet, once it is in production, we need to prove to the auditors that we received consent from the customer. This is a common request with our partners and consent is always necessary.
Q: Regarding backup of a Sandbox, would we be able to keep the current roles and users in the current production tenant when overwriting a Sandbox?
A: No, roles and users are not touched in the process. Whatever is in Production will not be transferred over when DEV is brought over.
Q: Would a user's reports/budget forms disappear that are currently in the production tenant during the overwriting process?
A: No, reports, budget templates, categories, etc. are all left in place. Additionally, we cannot bring Sandbox reports over to production, they must be manually reimported. Furthermore, Sandbox integration jobs will not be brought over - integrations are, but they must be rescheduled.
Q: A client/prospect has a POC tenant. Will their information within the POC be deleted in order for the sale to go through? Is it possible to copy the setup information?
A: With a 30-day POC trial, the client/prospect has 60 days to determine if they want to proceed before the POC is completely deleted. They have 30 days of when the POC is activated and in trial, and then 30 days after the trial expiration/POC is over to decide to purchase - total of 60 days. If they do not purchase once their 30-day trial is up, then the entire POC is deleted 30 days after the trial period automatically.
So as long as a sale/purchase occurs within the 60-day time frame, they should be able to retain all their information, transactional data, settings, etc. as the POC will then turn to their PROD environment. However, if a purchase is made after the 60-day period, they will have to start from scratch.